“This was transformative. I don’t say that lightly. Really helped me identify and work on
some things I’d struggled with for years“
What stories are you telling yourself? That you’re not good enough? That you shouldn’t try and stand out? That you’re too old, too inexperienced, too this, too that …? Enough already.
It’s high time you write yourself into a better story, and I’m going to show you how. A story of how fucking incredible you are, the brilliance you have already shown, and how you’re going to tap back into that power and fucking SHINE.
What is the commitment? six weeks
What is the investment? £975
How do I book? Email me at Corvus Coaching @ gmail.com (no spaces) or book a call
“I loved the idea of writing my own future, shaping the rest of my story in the way I would like it to read. Amazing, insightful, creative, expressive and revelatory experience.”
“Courage Quest” invites you into an immersive storytelling adventure that uses timeless teachings to inspire personal growth and self-discovery. This course has been woven together from many threads, the main ones being Narrative Therapy and the Jewish Drut’syla Midrash tradition (full disclaimer: I am not Jewish nor claim to be an expert on this tradition; I learned how to work with the Midrash under the generous and expert tutelage of Shonaleigh Cumbers, and incorporate it here with permission). More on both of these approaches can be found here: https://dulwichcentre.com.au and here: https://shonaleigh.uk/about/
On this journey we will turn your self doubt into outrageous courage. You will know to your bones your own incredible strengths, and see just how much of a fucking resilient, talented badass you are. You will also fill a kit bag full of tools and strategies to sustain your determination through future adversity.
“Quite unlike any coaching I have experienced before [this] has allowed me to consider my own story from a completely different lens.”
Courage Quest is a course that will bring out your creativity, playfulness and curiosity, and is a wonderfully immersive way to really understand the heartbeat of your journey. And now I’m bundling it together with follow-on one-to-one coaching to really nurture whatever project (creative, business, or personal – including your own self!) you have to beautiful, expansive fruition. Six consecutive weeks, focusing on your story, for just £975
Book a call with me, and let’s see if this is right for you. No hard sell, I promise. Together we can look forward to exploring:
What story are you telling, and what story do you want to tell?
Who or what are the antagonists that might trip you up (procrastination, self doubt, etc), and how do we tackle those. And who are the allies you can call on for support?
What qualities does your main character – you – already possess to get them through this story to a satisfactory outcome
Then: Put it all together and write yourself into a new story, and make sure everything is in place to reach your goals
This is one to one time with me, where we’ll work closely together to honour and rewrite your story, in order to bring out your brilliance and get you living your most courageous life. A gift to yourself that I know you are worth. Get in touch now and let’s get you started!
“This programme is practical and effective. Raven is working with techniques I haven’t found elsewhere and the results are literally changing my life.”