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If you could be anything,
who would you be?

I’m here to help you detangle your indecision, let go of what’s holding you back, and move into a life you choose to be in.

I provide a calm, non-judgemental space where we can uncover your purpose and nurture your courage. I want you to have transformational conversations that get you from stuck to soaring!

Are you ready to find out who you really are?

“You were just what I needed. Focussed, accepting, creative, asking the right questions so the way forward felt clear and manageable. The way you winnowed my mess of ideas down to the one I really needed to focus on seemed quite magical! [I realised] I am ready. I have what I need. This is all possible”
– Lunar Hine, Writer
“I loved the session I had with you. It totally helped me work out where I was, where I wanted to be and what I need to do to achieve this new found space. Thank you for guiding me with appropriate questions and holding a space where I could find my answers”
Shonaleigh. Storyteller
I’ve loved our sessions so much! You’re such a good listener and you’ve challenged my perspective on a lot of goals and issues I’ve had and helped me to pick up on a lot of things about myself that I hadn’t fully realised! Anybody would be blessed and lucky to have a coach as helpful, knowledgeable and kind as you.
– Rebecca Jefferson. Beauty Therapist
“Insightful summarising/reflecting back on key points, and using these to guide where the session went next. Clear but gentle challenging/highlighting inconsistencies in my individual lines of thinking, in a way that felt like a constructive detangling of multiple elements. A very valuable session that has given me new insights into long-standing challenges. Thank you!”
Peter Rose. Director, Tiller Research
“I felt heard and not judged, and gently guided towards understanding what it all means for me. I so appreciated our session. You definitely helped me to tap into my realness and find my way”
– Catherine Burton

Person-centred coaching

My passion is to show you how brilliant you already are, and work with you to explore your goals and really get to the heart of what drives you. Don’t have goals? Not sure of your purpose? Unclear on what you want to do next? Let me help you figure out what questions you want to be asking to get to the answers you need.

I firmly believe you are the expert on your own life, and I am here to challenge rather than prescribe. I will hold the focus gently to get you thinking and uncovering the space and path you need – I’m not going to kick your butt, but I’m absolutely not going to let you off the hook either!

I know you to be a brilliant, courageous human being, with the power to dazzle stars. I can’t wait to meet you! Can you?

Get in touch for a no obligation coaching conversation; my gift to you. This way you can experience coaching with me, ask me any questions, and figure out if working together would be something of value to you.